I am involved in several ongoing research projects to measure, create and/or compile data on entrepreneurship, startups, business ownership and self-employment.
Indicators of Entrepreneurial Activity (formerly two measures of the Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship): two measures of the most timely information on new business creation and opportunity entrepreneurship in the United States (also for major demographic groups and all states).
Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship: Early-Stage Entrepreneurship (formerly the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity): measures new business creation in the United States, integrating several high-quality, timely sources of information on early-stage entrepreneurship.
Reports, Visualizations, and Microdata
Business Ownership using Household Survey Data: tracking self-employed business owners and new business owners (entrepreneurs) in the U.S. economy.
Recent impacts of COVID-19 on trends (Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Article and latest data)
Trends during the Great Recession
Startup Panel Dataset: captures the universe of startups in the United States including both non-employers and employer startups, and transitions from non-employer to employer status. Developing dataset at Census Bureau to use at RDCs.
Job Creation and Survival among the Universe of U.S. Startups, forthcoming in a longer version as an MIT Press Book
Measuring Opportunity and Necessity Entrepreneurship: measure that distinguishes between opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship using previous unemployment status